Happy 10th Birthday Ukes4Fun!

It was a dark and stormy night . . . and the ukulele players were gathered around a blazing hearth in The Cumberland Arms, Byker . . . outside, fireworks lit up the sky . . . it was November 5th 2009 . . . and ukuleles had come back to the music room at The Cumby!

2019-11-05 Cumberland Arms Kingsmen-Fire-Dance

The ukulele players said, “Dot! What key is it in?!”

Dot said . . .

2013-09-18_Misspent Uke_Coxhoe-02 cropped - Dot trumpet cropped 500x750

Keith said, “Interval !!”

2016-09-15 Ukes4Fun Billy O'Shea 12 Keith smaller file cropped 500x505

Over the last ten years . . .

. . . we have seen friends come and go.  We remember those who have moved away or passed on with fondness and have been delighted to welcome new friends joining us every year.

Misspent Uke“, our musical backbone, have gone from strength to strength and members of The Attic Band add that extra pizzazz to sessions!

So many people to thank!

Many thanks to Dot Kirton and Dennis Bostock for leading sessions, to Dot and Chris Bostock for organising our wonderful weekends away, to star ukulele player Keith Perry, to Fiona Buckley and Karl Barlow for keeping us in time on the bass, to those who bring other instruments with their ukuleles to enliven sessions: Andy Seagroatt on fiddle, Fiona on Mandolin, Lucy Falkenau on banjo and tin whistle,  John on Saxophone, our occasional harmonica and swanee whistle players and, last but by no means least, Dot and Megs Johnson on kazoo trumpets!

To all our singers who bring and lead songs, a huge thank you for making the sessions so varied – and for making it impossible to answer the question, “What sort of music do you play?”

To EVERYONE who comes along on Thursdays and Sundays, plays along and makes the sessions so friendly and enjoyable, Happy 10th Birthday and THANK YOU!


ps. Our next Thursday Session is 7th November – bring some nibbles for a little birthday party in the Break!

pps. On Tuesday November 5th The Cumberland Arms has a free Bonfire Night Event!

2019-10-19 Happy Birthday Vintage Hawaiian Ukulele Card 10th optim


CANCELLED: Ukes4Fun Nov 18th; Next session is Thurs Nov 25th – with Birthday Cake courtesy of the Cumberland Arms

The bad news: The Cumberland Arms is very sorry but we cannot have the “music room” next week on Nov 18th ;-(

We could not think of an alternative venue tonight but if anyone has any ideas please let me know a.s.a.p. (The Biscuit Factory closes earlier now so that is not an option).

The good news: to celebrate Ukes4Fun’s 1st birthday, the Cumberland Arms is going to bake us a cake for the session on Nov 25th :-)

Lizzie xxx