Manitoba Hal Blues Uke Workshop Newcastle 4 June 2014 sold out

Manitoba Hal Blues Uke Workshop 4 June Newcastle upon Tyne – SOLD OUT! @thecumby

Download UK Tour Poster + Ukes4Fun Details (pdf )

UPDATE 3rd May: Download info about Hal’s Workshops (pdf )

UPDATE 30 MAY: Manitoba Hal Blues Uke Workshop and Performance  – SOLD OUT!

Maximum attendance: 35

£10 from Ukes4Fun (see below)

Date and time:
Wednesday 4 June 2014
6:00 – 8:00
(30 min break at 7:00)

The Cumberland Arms (1st Floor)

James Place Street
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Ramp or stairs

(toilets not officially wheelchair accessible)

Who is Hal Brolund? Ha’way! Manitoba Hal, the Ukulele Blues Man!

Update 16 May! Manitoba Hal Ukulele Blues Method Book!

Manitoba Hal Blues Uke Book

Hal has updated his Blues Uke Method book for the UK Tour.

There will be copies for sale immediately after the Workshop – £10 for anyone who wants one (not just workshop participants).

You can also order digital copies from Hal’s Store on Etsy

Links to information, videos, interviews and a short documentary about Hal – or skip to How to book a placeNOW SOLD OUT!


2. Manitoba Hal Workshops

3. Manitoba Hal mini-documentary on Vimeo (17:46 min)

4. Ukulele Video of the Year 2010: Manitoba Hal – Poulet Shack – plus transcript of interview by Al Wood (Woodshed) of Ukulele Hunt

5. Evangeline Blues ORIGINAL UKULELE SONG – YouTube

6. Sweet Home Chicago – (playing twin neck Fred Casey uke) – YouTube

7. The Thrill is Gone – International Ukulele Ceilidh 2011 – YouTube

8. Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women – Ukulele ORIGINAL – YouTube

9. Way Down in the Hole – Tom Waits ukulele cover – YouTube

10. Flirting With Mermaids | Manitoba Hal Album on Bandcamp

11. Got A Ukulele Interview – Manitoba Hal Brolund – Jan 2014

How to book a place: NOW SOLD OUT!

You can buy tickets in advance until 3 June:

  • In person – pay £10 cash to buy a ticket from Liz Panton, Stuart Hickson or Aaron Tucker
  • By your bank’s “faster payments” system – we will hand out and email workshop account details to you.  When a payment comes in, we need to know who has paid, so please fill in the RSVP form below AS WELL AS contacting your bank:
    • the RSVP form below asks for your name and email address
    • when we get the form, we will email you the workshop account details
    • when you make a payment to the workshop account, please include your name in the “reference”
    • Bank Faster Payments should take hours rather than days to go through
    • when we receive your payment, we will email you again with a numbered ticket for you to print

(If disaster strikes, your printer breaks or you lose your ticket, all is not lost! We will have list on the door of who has paid along with the ticket numbers.)


Refunds Policy:

We cannot give refunds before the event if you no longer need your ticket(s).

  • However, we may be able to put you in touch with someone who missed this particular boat.
  • We cannot act as “brokers” for resale of unwanted tickets before the event. Hopefully, people can come to mutually beneficial private arrangements and there will be full attendance at the workshop.
  • Depending on demand, we may be able to re-sell surplus tickets on the door and refund the ticket cost.

If the event has to be cancelled for whatever reason then we will of course refund everyone who has bought tickets directly from us.

Tickets for sale “on the door”?

  • If any tickets are returned they will be available on the door from 5:30pm until 5:45pm on 4 June at the advertised price: £10
  • All late enquiries about availability of tickets on the door, please email:


If you have any questions, please grab a hold of one of the organisers (Liz Panton, Stuart Hickson or Aaron Tucker), leave a comment here or email image

Manitoba Hal’s Uke Blues Workshop UK Tour

has been organised by those wonderful, groovy people behind

Northern Uke – the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival!

Three cheers and free beers for the lot of them – in particular Hal’s tour organiser, Mary Krell!


GNUF 2014: Huddersfield

9 thoughts on “Manitoba Hal Blues Uke Workshop 4 June Newcastle upon Tyne – SOLD OUT! @thecumby”

  1. Some more info about the event . . .

    The schedule is:

    Workshop: 6:00 – 7:00
    Break: 7:00 – 7:30
    Performance: 7:30 – 8:00

    I’ll describe that backwards :-)

    Performance: 7:30 – 8:00

    This is Hal doing his thang.

    Workshop: 6:00 – 7:00

    This is to be tailored to each group so I have asked what info about the participants it would be helpful for Hal to have before the event. In addition, when we know who is coming, I will ask everyone to let me know if there is anything in particular they would like to to see included from the “standard” workshops described below. This should help Hal to tailor the workshop for the group.

    There are several standard workshops and Hal is normally booked to deliver one of these as a standard, ie. rather than tailoring each workshop individually, as is the case for the UK Tour:

    These are some extracts from the workshop descriptions on Hal’s website:

    a) UKULELE BLUES 101
    “Participants will be led through a basic blues song from simply playing the song to “pimping it out” with licks and other tricks of the blues. Key of C. Chords needed C, F, G7”

    (intermediate – players should already have a solid grasp of the basics)

    “Learn the secrets of playing hot solos over your favorite songs. This workshop is designed to teach the basics of the pentatonic scales and their use as a tool for improvisation.”


    There will be no handouts as Hal wants people to learn by listening, watching and doing rather than be distracted looking at song-sheets and chord charts.

    Hal will be bringing copies of his “Blues Book” for sale and this covers some of things in the workshops above. (Price to be advised).


    As far as the performance is concerned, the videos linked in the first email give an idea of the range of material covered by “the blues”, Hal’s style of playing and the techniques he uses.

    I hope that is helpful and gives a better idea of what can be expected on the day.

    I only wish it was going to be more than an hour long!


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